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These Internet pages are aimed at persons who have their domicile in the Federal Republic of Germany. The dissemination of the information contained herein and the acquisition of shares of the fund referred to here may be prohibited in certain countries. The information is therefore in no way directed at persons or entities in a sovereign territory (due to nationality, place of residence or registered office or for any other reason) in which the publication, dissemination or use of this information violates local laws or regulations, or in which ARIAD Asset Management GmbH would be subject to registration or licensing requirements, and will not be provided for distribution in such sovereign territories. You must find out about any restrictions of this nature in your territory, observe them and declare by accepting these important notices and conditions that you have done so.

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ARIAD Asset Management GmbH
Hohe Bleichen 13
20354 Hamburg, Germany
TEL.: +49 40 180301-0
FAX: +49 40 180301-22
Email: Info@ariad.de
Internet: www.ariad.de

Managing Directors: Klaus Walczak, Carsten Lund

Register court: District Court of Hamburg
Caffamacherreihe 20, 20355 Hamburg
Tel: 040 / 42843-3440
Registration number: HRB 85536

Supervisory Authority:

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt
Tel.: 0228 / 4108-0
BaFin licence according to Section 32 institute number 119482

Obligatory entries:

Existing authorisations:

ARIAD Asset Management has the following authorisations:
Acquisition brokerage (Section 1 par. 1a par. 2 no. 2 Banking Act [KWG])
Investment advice (Section 1 par. 1a par. 2 no. 1a KWG)
Investment brokerage (Section 1 par. 1a par. 2 no. 1 KWG)
Investment management (Section 1 par. 1a p. 2 no. 11 KWG)
Financial portfolio management (Section 1 par. 1a par. 2 no. 3 KWG)

Tax Information:

Tax ID: DE225250276

Disclosures according to Section 16 InstitutsVergV (Ordinance on Supervisory Requirements for Remuneration Systems of Institutions)
The scope of the disclosure requirements is determined by the size and structure of the institution and the risk content and internationality of its business activities while preserving the materiality, protection and confidentiality principle of Article 432 (1) to (3) of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (CRR Regulation). Since the balance sheet total is below € 15 billion, we are restricting ourselves to a few basic remarks in our presentation of the remuneration system.

The salaries of our managers comprise a fixed remuneration as well as variable remuneration components. The institute pursues an ambitious approach with the variable remuneration for the managers. It enables variable remuneration to make an important contribution to the achievement of corporate objectives.

Depending on the financial situation of the institute, the variable remuneration can be reduced to zero.

In order to avoid negative incentives for the managers to incur disproportionately high risks due to an excessive dependency on the variable remuneration, there is an upper limit for the variable remuneration as measured by the fixed remuneration components of 100%.

The managers' salaries correspond to customary market levels of remuneration and the situation of the institute.

The remuneration of the institute’s directors is determined by the supervisory body (shareholders' meeting).

All employees receive only fixed salaries reflecting standard levels in this sector. No bonus payments have been agreed.

Provider of this website: ARIAD Asset Management GmbH

Responsible for contents according to Section 5 Telemedia Act [TMG] / Section 55 Interstate Broadcasting Treaty [RStV]: Carsten Lund

The Association of Independent Asset Managers (VuV) has set up a mediation body in accordance with EU Directive No. 2013/11 of 21.05.2013 on Alternative Dispute Settlement. The arbitration body of the VuV enables disputes over financial service transactions between consumers and VUV members to be settled in an out-of-court conciliation procedure.

ARIAD Asset Management GmbH, Hamburg, is a member of the VuV and is required under its articles of association to participate in a conciliation procedure before this conciliation body.

The address of the conciliation body of the VUV is:
Stresemannallee 30
60596 Frankfurt am Main

Further information on the conciliation office (for example, further communication data, application form, procedure regulation) can be found at http://vuv-ombudsstelle.de

As a member of the Association of Independent Asset Managers in Germany (VuV), we are obligated to take part in the conciliation office established by the VuV (VuV-Ombudsstelle, Stresemannallee 30, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, http://vuv-ombudsstelle.de).