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ARIAD Active Allocation Fund - I

WKN: A14N7U ISIN: DE000A14N7U1 Kurs: 75.8 € -0.04 % (02.04.2020)

We Cannot See Into the Future - But We Are Prepared for It.

1. Introduction
In Short
Asset Class Indices: EuroStoxx50, S&P500, Nikkei225
Investment Goal Minimum return, combine stock-market boom participation and capital preservation
Investment Idea Managing equity exposure in international stock-market indices
Implementation Quoted Long/Short Index Futures and Options
Characteristic Dual Benchmark (400BP or 25% EuroStoxx50)
+ Minimum return = 100% performance responsibility is with the management

ARIAD Active Allocation - I Fund

The continuing low base rates mean that no-risk and low-risk investments have become increasingly unattractive. In particular, the disappearance of the pension market has put private and professional investors in a seemingly hopeless predicament:

"When looking for ongoing returns,
investors are forced to risk an essential need: capital preservation"

Positive Returns in All Market Conditions

With the ARIAD Active Allocation - I Fund, we want to offer investors a convincing alternative. By using Equitiy-Index exposure control and highly liquid trading instruments we are convinced that:

"Capital preservation, an attractive annual return and suitable participation in boom phases do not have to be mutually exclusive!"

Current Press Releases About the Fund

Performance Since Inception

2. Performance

Attractive Returns with Low Volatility

The dual benchmark is particularly positive for investors and is unique - two management goals ensure that the portfolio management always displays concerted action:

Absolute-Return Target (400 BP)
Relative Performance Target (25% EuroStoxx50 TR)

Past performance is no reliable indicator of future performance.

Unit class without minimum investment: (launched 01/02/17): ARIAD Active Allocation-R

Historical Exposure

Performance to date was achieved with an extremely low share quota - and thus also with low volatility in comparison to EuroStoxx50.

The Investment Concept

3. Investment Idea

To Create an Alternative Performance Source

The ARIAD Active Allocation - I Fund’s strategy tries to exploit the greatest performance potential by controlling the equity-index exposure: at least partially avoiding losses or limiting them and, in lateral phases, by receiving premiums through covered option transactions.

The True Alternative to Classic Equity Investment

  • Complete transfer of responsibility for performance to the manager
  • Risk management as a performance source
  • Profiting from the current market conditions

Spreading Responsibility when Investing in Equities

Passive "Buy&Hold" Investment (e.g. ETF) Equity fund (100% in equities) Equity Fund with Minimum Return
Responsibility for performance 100% with investor 90% with investor, 10% with management 100% with management
Reason Investor decides when and how much he wants invested in which equities Investor decides when and how much he wants invested in equities, the management chooses the stocks/indices "Worry-Free Package": Management decides when and how much is to be invested in which equity indices
Consequence Investor has to accept risk management to limit loss phases Investor has to accept risk management to limit loss phases Risk management is performed professionally by the portfolio management

Professional Risk Management is a Performance Source

By using highly liquid derivatives on equity indices, the strategy exploits all market phases. Regardless of whether markets rise/fall (approx. 20% of the time) or move sideways (approx. 80% of the time): ARIAD Active Allocation I can profit from this thanks to equity index exposure control.

The Investment Process in Detail

  • No adding other asset classes
  • No share selection
  • Minimal liquidity risks (quoted derivatives)
  • Minimum currency risks
  • No issuer risks
  • Adjustable risk management

The Investment Process in Detail

4. The Process

Rules-based Investment Process

A decision about adjusting the equity exposure is largely taken via an intensive macroanalysis of the markets, based on a fixed scoring model, which has proved its worth. Moreover, due to the rules-based risk management, there is a gradual increase/reduction in the risk budget on the basis of the current strategy performance.

The decision-making process is implemented with extreme discipline by an expert team, each member of which has more than 30 years of professional investment experience.

Adjustable Risk Management

Among other things, the level of the equity exposure depends on the available risk budget, which is influenced by the current fund performance. This ensures that the portfolio management does not enter into any positions that are too risky and that could jeopardise the annual absolute return goal.

Fund Data

5. Fund Data

Fund Data and Conditions

ARIAD Active Allocation I
Listing date 01.02.2016
Fund currency EUR
End of financial year 31.01.
Profit Use Distribution
Subscription fee 0,00% (max. 4,00%)
Administrative fee 1,10% (max. 1,80%)
Performance fee up to 20% p.a. of the surplus over 3-M Euribor +400 BP, High Watermark
Depository fee 0,04% (max. 0,06%)
Depository Kreissparkasse Köln
Investment company Monega KAG
Total Expense Ratio (TER)(1) 1,40%
Minimum investment(2) 250.000,00€

Share class without minimum investment (inception: 01.02.17): ARIAD Active Allocation-R

(1) The Total Expense Ratio states total expenses (with the exception of the transaction costs), with respect to the average fund assets within a financial year.
(2) In addition, the relevant conditions of the depository or your house bank apply.

Opportunities and Risks


  • In the long term, asset building with equities is superior to any other form of financial investment. Investments in equities should therefore be in every long-term portfolio.
  • With equity index exposure control, investments should be made appropriately in accordance with the current assessed risk-return ratio so that the management can circumvent the expected market risks by adjusting the share index quota.
  • The use of quoted, _highly liquid equity futures and options _means that it is possible to potentially profit from all market situations: rising, falling and sideways market phases.
  • The desired minimum annual return (3M-EURIBOR+400BP, at least 4%) should enable the investor to plan.


  • Share risk: Historically, equities are subject to strong price fluctuations and thus there is a risk of price drops.
  • Interest change risk: The risk of the market interest rate changing during the term of the securities being held is associated with investments in fixed interest securities.
  • Capital market risk: The price or market value performance of financial products depends, in particular, on the performance of capital markets that are influenced by the world economy and economic and political conditions in the countries concerned.
  • Currency risk: The fund's assets may be invested in a currency other than the fund currency. If the value of this currency falls against the fund currency, the value of the fund asset falls.
  • Counterparty default risk: Losses may arise for the fund from the default of an issuer or a contracting partner against whom the fund has claims.
  • Liquidity risk: The fund may invest some of its assets in securities that are not traded on a stock exchange or a similar market.
  • Derivative risk: The fund uses derivatives, both for investment and for hedging purposes. The increased opportunities go hand in hand with increased loss risks.
6. Documents


Further Information:
(for professional investors only)

Also of interest:
The Future in Your Portfolio


©2018 ARIAD Asset Management GmbH

This publication is not a sales prospect in the meaning of the law, but a commercial representation that provides further information. It does not constitute a recommendation for action and does not replace individual investment advice by a bank/sales partner or either fiscal or legal counselling. Shares are sold exclusively on the basis of the current sales prospectus and key investor information. These and the current annual and semi-annual reports are available free of charge in German at Monega Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH, Stolkgasse 25-45, 50667 Cologne, and on the Internet at www.monega.de. In the sales prospectus, investment objectives, fees, risks and other important fund information are described in detail. Please read this carefully.

The statements on the market situation constitute our own view of the circumstances described. This does not imply any general validity or investment advice or recommendation. The publication may not be construed as a sale offer or an invitation to submit an offer for the purchase of securities, and does not in any way replace the advice required before each stock purchasing decision. The statements made in the publication are subject to change without notice. Despite careful selection of sources and examination of the contents, ARIAD Asset Management GmbH assumes no liability or guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the information provided in this publication.